Pantheon the popular website platform for Drupal websites now enters the WordPress arena. Pantheon powers 55,000+ sites, including Intel, Cisco, Arizona State University, and the United Nations and more.

Pantheon believes that hosting is dead and they provide unique solution to build and scale a website on their platform.

Unlike hosting, Pantheon supports developers and designers in doing great work. More amazing launches happen on Pantheon because power tools give top developers everything they need to build best-practice WordPress and Drupal sites.

Pantheon team has done all the changes required on their platform to run a WordPress site successfully, though it was not in their roadmap as far as their business strategy is concerned.

So, WordPress developers can now build, launch, and run their sites on Pantheon’s Professional Website Platform, if you want to create your website on Pantheon’s platform, the foundation is ready for you.

We’ve spent months researching and testing WordPress on Pantheon with our most active partners and developers to prepare for the launch. In fact, as of right now, our highest-traffic site on Pantheon happens to be a WordPress site.

Pantheon gives you the opportunity to test the services with a free Developer Sandbox plan before you get started with their paid plans. Now let see how the most popular platform for Drupal unfolds for WordPress products.

Article Via Pantheon

Pantheon The Drupal Expert Enters WordPress Arena
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