Broken links can drive you crazy at times, you go through an article of six hundred words and when you click on the provided link for reference which eventually ends on a dead page, that’s frustrating.

Broken Link Checker is by far the most popular and widely used plugin to take care of broken links on any WordPress site, and it’s really one of the most important WordPress plugins because it helps you to restore the quality of you site to a huge extent.

Looking at the importance of managing broken links in a better way many WordPress developers are coming with tools and resources to handle the matter, Broken Link Manager being the latest addition to the lot.

Broken Link Manager

WordPress Broken Link Manager is a new but promising plugin which works behind the scene to help you find all the broken links on your WordPress site which may affect the quality of the site.

The plugin detects broken links on your website and archives them. Also, you can be informed by email as soon as a new broken link is detected to keep you updated.

Delectation of the broken link is one part of the story, how you want to handle those broken link is another part of the process which will restore user experience and as well as penalty from search engines.

You can decide to direct all the broken links to one page or handle them individually as per requirement.

Broken Link Manager Settings

Broken Link Manager is extreamly easy to handle, you can download the plugin from the WordPress plugin directory and install on your site. The installation process is same as any other simple WordPress plugin.

The plugin comes with a great looking dashboard to manage all the broken links, it gives you all the important link details at a glance to help you manage those further.

Broken Link Manager

In the broken URL tab you get the option to manage each URL as per your requirement and shows redirect URls with number of hits as well as an option to edit those anytime you want.

Broken Link Management

The settings page of the plugin is another important section of the Broken Link Manager plugin, in the settings page you can set-up the email where you want to send the link details. Also, you can set the default URL for redirecting the broken links in the settings page

Broken link management


Broken Link Manager plugin looks like a really good option to manage broken and dead links on WordPress site. It provides a nice management dashboard and all those options which you may need to manage the links effectively.

Another Plugin to Manage Broken Links on WordPress Sites
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