IndexWP.com is one of the fastest growing WordPress news and resource communities with pageviews well over 40,000 per month.
IndexWP tries the best to bring our users the most useful WordPress resources, news, reviews and more.
Traffic: 100% of IndexWP traffic is targeted to WordPress news, product or services. Users who generally visit our site are people who are looking for any kind of theme, plugin or WordPress news.
Advertising Offers: We at IndexWP try to give WordPress developers or service providers the flexibility to choose their own option which will be perfect for their specific need.
Sidebar Ad | Right Sidebar (10 Units) | 125×125 | $80 |
Home page | Home Page (2 Units) | 468×60 | $100 |
Home Page | Middle, (3 Units) | 300×250 | $150 |
Header Ad(Premium) | Top Header (1 Unit) | 728×90 | $350 |
Home Page | Right Sidebar (1 Units) | 300 x 250 | $250 |
Above Article (The Fold) | On Each Article | 568 X 70 | $500 |
With every banner advertisement, we will publish an article about your WordPress related product or services free of cost.
Cost: $40
If you are coming up with something new be it a new theme, plugin or WordPress service and want to create some buzz, do submit a premium news on Indexwp, we make sure your news gets maximum exposure on Indexwp as well as through social media sites.
Cost: $150
Submit your product or service to Indexwp and we will write a detailed review explaining all aspects of it with screen shots and our findings. (review will be completely unbiased)
To get started, use the contact form below or email us at CustomerService@Indexwp.com