Bluehost is a popular hosting service, powering over 2 million websites worldwide. Bluehost is one of the oldest web hosting services, started in 1996. It has now become one of the largest in the business, they have flexible plans for every pocket and size.

It has all the features that a good web hosting service offers, unlimited bandwidth, email accounts, subdomains, storage space and support. Not only this, even has endorsed Bluehost as the preferred web host.

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Bluehost hosting packages come with a 30-day money back guarantee if you’re not happy with their services. Lately, there has been a decline in the quality of service but it still is one of the most popular hosting services. In this Bluehost web hosting review we will take a look at the factors that you should consider before you avail their services.


Price is an important factor as far as hosting is concerned and Bluehost is affordable with various attractive pricing plans. They have three different hosting plans, starter, Plus and Business Pro respectively. The plans starts at as low as $3.95 per month, they also have three different level of hosting services namely, VPS, reseller and dedicated hosting.
bluehost review
Server performance is the primary concern of any website owner as that affect the rankings. Bluehost’s server performance has been good lately with 99.99% uptime in 2014 which is very good to start with. doesn’t promote and endorse Bluehost just like that, Bluehost has services to back their claim.

Bluehost is easy to use and the dashboard is very user-friendly, in addition to that you can also protect your sensitive directories with passwords. Bluehost has many security, one feature it can truly boast of, it comes with three anti-spam tools.

Bluehost offers unlimited bandwidth which is now offered by any good host nowadays. Bluehost has some good email plans as well, it offers 100 email addresses with its most basic plan.

Although I wouldn’t say the support that they provide is excellent, sometimes instead of solving your issue they try to sell you updates. It is important to note that Bluehost has huge knowledge base for its customers to solve their issues and they also have a youtube channel to help you understand things better. Overall, we can say they have good support barring a few instances when they were disappointing and we hope they rectify those mistakes.

Final Word

Overall Bluehost is a good web hosting service and I would recommend it for a first-time blogger as they are reasonable with quality service. Bluehost is a decent host and will set up your WordPress site in a whisk, it is similar to many other popular web hosting service but it scores over them due to great security features.

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Bluehost Web Hosting Review
93%Overall Score
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