How to hide page or post title in WordPress? A common question among WordPress users as many people doesn’t like to show the page title specially if that particular page is the home page.

If you are one of those who is looking for a solution to hide or remove the page/post title because of any reason, you will get the answer about how to hide page or post title in WordPress in this post.

One quick solution is just edit the page or the post and remove the title, however this is definitely not the best and a healthy practice, there are some better solution to hide page or post title in WordPress.

[symple_box style=”boxinfo”]Hide Page or Post Title in WordPress[/symple_box]

Editing CSS

One of the best way to hide the page or post tile in WordPress is by editing the CSS file, make sure you add the code in a child theme or custom CSS file because if you modify the theme file it will be overwritten during theme upgrade.

You can use tool like Firebug to find out which particular code you need to modify. Find out the class associated with the title tag, generally the class is “entry-title” for the title tag.

Next you need to find the ID of the Page or Post where you want to remove or hide the title from. You can easily find the post or the page ID while editing the same.

In the example below the post ID is 4121

Find Page ID

Now, you need to add the code in your custom CSS folder, the code will be something like the once provided below

.post-id-4121 .entry-title {
   display: none;

Similarly for a page, just find the ID and the code will be almost same but exact

.page-id-xxxx .entry-title {
   display: none;

Now, lets look at a really easy solution to hide the page or post tile in WordPress specially for the newbie WordPress user who is not comfortable with codes.

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Title Remover

Title Remover is a WordPress plugin which will help you to get rid of the title of any post, page or custom post type item without affecting menus or titles in the admin area.

This plugin completely removes the title instead of just hiding with CSS or JavaScript. One of the advantage of this plugin is, it will work with all post types.

This is an one click solution to remove page or post title, once you activate the plugin you will see a new option called ”Hide Title” among the boxes on the right side.

Download Plugin

Disable Title

Another really useful plugin to hide the page or post tile in WordPress, With this plugin you can define for each page/post whether the title should be suppressed on the homepage, category, archive, detail pages or menu.

Download Plugin

How to Hide Page or Post Title in WordPress
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