another WordPress resource website owned by us is for sale on Flippa. Themetrader is not a old site but it grew real quick and became a familiar name. Themetrader’s Alexa rank stands at around 90k

Themetarder has a lot of potential in terms of revenue as it was created with a brand-able domain and very specific to WP theme business. All the details, pages are set properly, new owner doesn’t really need to do anything except linking affiliate ID.


Why Themetrader is listed for sale?

The only reason behind listing themetrader for sale is the evolution of indexwp. We are big plans and defines milestones to achieve with indexwp. So, we need all our time and energy to be channelized towards indexwp.

About Themetrader’s Revenue

As already mentioned this site has very high potential in terms of revenue from theme and plugin affiliates. Themetrader has earned $400 already, however we have not claimed revenue on flippa as the affiliate ID belongs to some other site which can’t be disclosed.

So, if you are interested to provide themetrader the success it deserves and be the new owner, just go to Flippa and bid now.

Bid For Themetrader


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