Welcome to the weekly WordPress roundup on Indexwp! We have collected all the important WordPress news, resources and happenings here just for you.
So, if you missed any WordPress related information in the last week we will make sure you get details of all those information here.
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Weekly WordPress Roundup
We are just about to complete an event packed week as far as WordPress community is concerned, there were some important news including the release of WordPress 4.0 “Benny”.
WordPress News and Articles
WordPress 4.0 “Benny”: WordPress released version 4.0 named “Benny” in honor of jazz and swing musician Benny Goodman. The new version brings in number of amazing updates like improved plugin search page, improved media management and the fixed toolbar in visual editor makes it real fun to create articles in WordPress now…Read More
Faces Behind WordPress 4.3 “Benny”: Want to get introduced to all those people who did the hard work to gift us this amazing new version of WordPress? Well, head over to where he wrote an article about the faces behind WordPress 4.0… ‘s blogRead More
WordPress for iOS 4.3: WordPress for iOS 4.3 got released with improved stats page and the new version makes it real easy for the app users to follow any website just by placing the URL of the site…Read More
Slider Revolution Vulnerability: Most of the WordPress users are aware of this plugin called Slider Revolution which is one of the most popular and widely used slider plugin for WordPress, this plugin also comes in bundled with many premium WordPress themes.
Sucuri team released an article about the vulnerability found in this plugin which was taken care of the plugin developer but it was not disclosed at that point of time….Read More
WordPress Infographic 2014: The Guys @kinsta released a great looking infographic about WordPress which outlines some amazing stats regarding WordPress with history, it will provide you all information what WordPress has done so far at a glance…Read More
How ThemeCo Hit $1M: Did you watch this interview with Kyle Wakefield founder of hugely popular the X theme. I personally enjoyed the discussion and fortunately I had a chance to talk with Kyle last night and talk about their plans ahead.
You know the X theme got rejected by ThemeForest three times before they made it to the marketplace and then they makes it a million dollar product, that’s really amazing…Read more
WordPress Management Business: Are you planning to start a WordPress site management business? If yes, ElegantThemes recently published a comprehensive article about how to get started with your WordPress management business in less than a day. Sounds good?….Read More
Happy B’day Theme Junkie: Did you which them happy B’day? They have just completed amazing 5 years creating WordPress themes. And the good news is they are celebrating their B’day offering you free theme and other goodies…Read More
WordPress Resources
Themes Released in August : In this post we listed out the top 10 WordPress themes which were released in August 2014, you can have a look at the themes and get your favorite one…Read more
Best Education WordPress Themes: If you are planning to create an education related website using WordPress platform, we have recently published a collection of 20+ amazing education WordPress themes….Read More
The New Magellan Theme: The team @teslathemes recently released their first ever travel business WordPress theme, if you are looking forward to create a travel related website this could be a great theme option…Read More
Taskerr Theme Review: Did you ever wanted to create a micro job site like Fiverr? If yes, the new micro job theme from Appthemes will help you to get your job done. We have recently reviewed this theme and it has everything which you may require to create a successful micro job site…Read More
The CleanApp Theme: MyThemeShop makes it real easy for you to create a website for your app. They recently came up with a great looking WordPress theme specially created for app related website…Read More
Free Envato Files For September : Here is your chance to download some amazing files free of cost, just get your Envato account and download their free files for the month of September 2014…Read More
Don’t forget to find some amazing deals here
If we missed any important WordPress related news, releases or anything else , please use the comment section below to add those information here.
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