Lazy load images is a technique used by millions of websites to make a site load real quick. If you want your site to be SEO and user friendly, make sure it loads fast, because it is very important to have a great loading time.

There are many useful WordPress plugins to Lazy load images which makes WordPress sites real fast and while your users are busy reading the content and then the images load slowly one after another.

If you are using WordPress for your site, in this post we have collected the best lazy load images plugin to give your site a boost in terms of loading time.

[symple_box style=”boxinfo”] WordPress Plugins Lazy Load Images [/symple_box]

1. Lazy Load

One of the best WordPress plugins to Lazy load images to improve page load times and server bandwidth. Images are loaded only when visible to the user. This plugin helps  to load your content real quick by making the images load lazy.

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Lazy Load Images

2. BJ Lazy Load

This plugin replaces all your post images, post thumbnails, gravatar images and content iframes with a placeholder and loads the content as it gets close to enter the browser window when the visitor scrolls the page.

You can also lazy load other images and iframes in your theme, by using a simple function.

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 3.  Advanced lazy load

Advanced lazy load is another great WordPress plugins to lazy load images.  Advanced lazy load is aiming to speed up your website which powered by WordPress. It delays loading of images in (long) web pages.

Images outside of viewport (visible part of web page) wont be loaded before user scrolls to them.

After active the plugin, when end user open website, will load the text first, and the then load images in your website, in this case will help reduce the loading time, the image is still in your website, just load it later and base on user screen scrolling by jQuery script, scrolling down, more image will be loaded, no need to call back any external server.

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 4.  WP images lazy loading

The WordPress images lazy loading plugin (WPILL) enables the jQuery lazy loading of images to improve page load times and increase your Google PageSpeed Score.

It delays loading of images outside of the viewport (visible part of a web page). These images won’t be loaded before the user scrolls down to them.

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WP images lazy loading

Share your experience about lazy load images technique, how it improved your site or it created any issue by using the comment form below.

Please note: These Lazy load images plugins may not work with some themes and may break your site, so make sure you backup your site first.

WordPress Plugins Lazy Load Images to Speed Up Websites
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