Are you a photo blogger? if yes there is a good news for you. WordPress has recently introduced a photo blogging app called WP Photos for Firefox OS which can be used on your or self-hosted WordPress blog.

Photo sharing is Simple & Easy Now

WP Photos is a straightforward, no-nonsense photoblogging app that streamlines your photo sharing experience. Take a picture. Add a title, caption, tags, and a short message. Then, upload it to your blog. It’s as simple as that!

Firefox OS

Firefox OS is an operating system that debuted earlier this year and powers smartphones in thirteen countries across Europe, Latin America, and South America — and more to come.

Firefox OS is similar to Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android operating systems, but one notable thing setting it apart is its reliance on Open Web Standards instead of proprietary technologies.

Download WP Photos

WP Photos is currently featured in the Firefox Marketplace. If you have a Firefox OS phone, we encourage you to download the app for free.

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WordPress Introduces WP Photos App for Firefox OS
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